American Civil War, Books
(1 customer review)
Civil War Revolvers by Schiffers
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Civil War Revolvers: Myth vs Reality by Peter Schiffers
A lot of “common knowledge” about Civil War pistols and revolvers simply isn’t true… BY TEST FIRING THE GUNS OF THE CIVIL WAR, we learn which guns were the best and why! Shooting original handguns from the Civil War with carefully reproduced ammunition, the author is able to explain why some of them performed well in combat and others did not.
- Softcover
- 8.5″ x 11″
- 184 pages
- 276 photos
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Categories: American Civil War, Books
Tag: schiffers
Steve Kirkpatrick –
Civil War Revolvers Myth vs. Reality is an extremely interesting look at revolvers used during the most tumultuous time in United States history. The author, Peter Schiffers, undertook the very involving task of comparing original revolvers used during this time while shooting them with the most period accurate loads he could duplicate.
The book has nine chapters devoted to the most procured revolvers used during the war with each chapter solely dedicated to one weapon. There is also another chapter covering other purchased ordnance revolvers which were procured in much smaller numbers and the last chapter deals with private purchases. Each chapter covers history and models, information about the particular pistol that was shot, ammunition and historical shooting. This all cumulates to the strengths and weaknesses section.
While other books on Civil War weapons will cover history and shipment records while sometimes giving the soldiers view point, this book covers all that while actually shooting original revolvers. Powder in original cartridges is examined and custom bullet molds made in order to closely duplicate original load data. These cartridges are then fired to see how the revolver performed and what accuracy was possible. It is very interesting to see how the military personnel rated a particular weapon compared to modern testing. It really does answer a lot of questions of why some models were preferred and some were absolutely detested. Modern manufacturing techniques and engineering really do make sure that current issue weapon systems issued to our soldiers always work as intended. This book shows that Civil War soldiers had no such guarantee and could be issued inferior manufactured weapons or weapons that were incapable of decent accuracy.
I highly recommend this book because it does a fantastic job in giving a detailed picture of a subject that in my knowledge has never been written about.