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- Alte Scheibenwaffen, Volume 1
- Alte Scheibenwaffen, Volume 2
- Alte Scheibenwaffen, Volume 3
- The American Eagle-Pommel Sword: The Early Years 1794-1830
- The American Fraternal Sword
- American Military Buttons
- The American Percussion Schuetzen Rifle
- A.S.A.C. Book of Edged Weapons
- A.S.A.C. Book of Historical Handguns (Harcover)
- A.S.A.C. Book of Historical Handguns (Softcover)
- American Socket Bayonets & Scabbards
- American Swords from the Philip Medicus Collection
- The Ames Sword Company Catalog
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- Arming the Glorious Cause
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- The Armorer’s Art: Essays in Honor of Stuart Pyhrr
- Arms of the Paladins: The Richard R. Wagner Jr. Collection
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- Austrian Military Cartridges Vol. 2 by Mötz
- Austrian Military Cartridges Vol. 3
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- The Austro-Hungarian Army in the First World War 1914 to 1918
- The Austro-Hungarian Artillery 1867–1918 by Ortner
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- Bayonets of the World
- The Belgian Army in the Great War Vol. 1
- The Belgian Army in the Great War Vol. 2
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- The British Cavalry Sword by Dellar
- British Falling Block Breechloading Rifle by Kirton
- British Military Flintlock Rifles by Bailey
- British Military Pistols by Brooker
- British Military Swords 1600-1660 by Mowbray
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- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 1 by Winfer
- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 2 by Winfer
- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 3 by Winfer
- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 4 by Winfer
- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 5 by Winfer
- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 6 by Winfer
- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 7 by Winfer & Rowe
- British Single Shot Rifles, Volume 8 by Winfer & Rowe
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- Bullet Strikes From the First Day Of the American Revolution
- Captured Arms (Beutewaffen)
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- Civil War Arms Purchases & Deliveries by Mowbray
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- Civil War Carbines by Schiffers
- Civil War Cartridge Boxes by Johnson
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- Civil War Revolvers by Schiffers
- Civil War Small Arms of the U.S. Navy & Marine Corps by McAulay
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- A Collector’s Guide to Military Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly by Mowbray & Puleo
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- Colt Peacemaker British Model by Cochan
- Colt Percussion Engraving Styles
- Colt Presentations From the Factory Ledgers by Houze
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- Colt Single Action Army Revolvers and the London Agency by Moore
- Colt Single Action Army Revolvers: U.S. Alterations by Moore
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- Die Weiterentwicklung, Volume III by Motz & Schuy
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- A Directory American Military Goods, Volume II by Bazelon
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- The French Army in the First World War 1914–1918 V.2
- French Military Arms & Armor in America by Chartrand
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- The Gatling Gun Notebook by Hughes
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- The German Army in the First World War 1914 to 1918
- The German Artillery from 1871 to 1914
- The German Cavalry 1871–1914 by Herr & Nguyen
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- German Military Rifles Werder to M/71.84 Rifles V.1
- German Military Rifles 88 and 91 Firearms V.2
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- German Small Arms Markings by Gortz & Bryans
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- Gun Powder Cans & Kegs, Volume II by Bacyk & Rowe
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- The Illustrated History of Firearms by Schreier, Supica & Wicklund
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- The Italian Vetterli Rifle by Wilsey
- J. Stevens Arms Catalog
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- Man at Arms Index (Printed format)
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- Patents for Inventions: Small Arms 1855–1930
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- Small Arms of the British Forces in America 1664–1815 by Bailey
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- Smith & Wesson Engraving by Kennelly
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- U.S. Infantry Weapons of World War II by Canfield
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- U.S. Military Arms Inspector Marks by Daum & Pate
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- U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets: 1816 through the Civil War, Volume II by Schmidt
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- U.S. Model 1855 Series of Small Arms by Willyard
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