Not in original format. Only available as a color copy, comb-bound with a protective plastic cover.
Back Issues
Volume 2, Number 4: July/August 1980
Volume 2, Number 4: July/August 1980
- Longknives and Yellowlegs: Dress Uniforms for Enlisted Men of the United States Cavalry, 1855–1905
- Dragoons and Sabres: The Savage Recessional, 1850–1942
- A Swiss Discovery: The Story of A Missing London Colt
- A Sword from the Atlanta Campaign
- “Old Six-Feet Barrel” – Sniping with a Hudson Valley Fowler, 1776
- Winchester’s New Museum Opens
- The Berdan Sharps Rifle: An Update
- Fantasy Design on Powder Horns
- Winchester Research for Collectors
Category: Back Issues
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